Chances are that you’ve never lived the life of the authentic cowboy. Consequently, you may not have any idea what to bring along on your Steens Mountain Guest Ranch visit. Here is a list of a few items to consider if you are coming to Steens Mountain Guest Ranch for the “Authentic Cowboy Experience”:
Cowboy Boots (with heels, for safety while riding)
Long socks to wear inside boots
Handkerchief—for dusty trails and to wet to put around your neck on hot days
Hat with a brim (for blocking the sun, keeping the rain off, and protecting your head from tree branches) and with a stampede string (to keep it from blowing off your head)
A cooler to take home some Grass Fed Beef - Available for purchase after the ride
Sunscreen and chapstick
Leather Gloves to protect your hands from the barbwire while fixing fence
Shirts (both long-sleeved and short-sleeved for cool mornings and hot afternoons)
Coat or Sweater for cool mornings
Pants/jeans for riding & working in
Pair of comfortable walking shoes to wear when you aren’t riding
Pajamas—that you don’t mind being seen in (or something else comfortable to lounge around in after a nighttime shower and before bed)
Personal toiletries—Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap, Towels, and any bedding are ALL PROVIDED whether you are at the Guest Ranch Headquarters or the Cow Camp Cabin
Saddles are provided.
Pen and notebook for journaling memories
Camera/Cell Phone (pocket-size to use while riding)
A reusable water bottle
Duffle bag large enough to hold all your belongings to place on a packhorse to take with us to Cow Camp (or you can borrow one of ours)
Sense of humor
A desire to have fun, and to be part of the buckaroo crew
All guests should have immediate access to personal transportation while at the ranch, in case they would like to visit other recreational or historical attractions in the area, etc.
Children coming to the ranch must be at least 12 years old and mature enough to handle and ride a horse on their own (with training). This age restriction is necessary for the safety and enjoyment of all guests.
Steens Mountain Guest Ranch does not provide child care.
We are very family-oriented. If your family exceeds our limit of four guests per week please contact us so we can make accommodations to allow your family to enjoy this experience as a family event if we can.
As part of the crew, guests will work with or be in close proximity to large, strong animals, heavy farming equipment and other ranch/cowboying implements. With your personal safety in mind (and ours!), alcohol is prohibited during cowboy working hours—that means as long as we’re working—and alcoholic beverages are not provided or sold on the ranch. You may bring your own, but please respect our concern for safety if we ask you to confine alcohol use to “after hours.”
Designated areas exist for smoking, but we reserve the right to amend or adjust these if weather conditions result in increased fire risk on the ranch. If we ask you to refrain from smoking in certain areas, please know that it is for the safety of all—we do not offer “range fire” as one of our ranch experiences, and you do not want to be found in the middle of one!
other important items